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110+ Unique Biblical Girl Names

    Unique Biblical Girl Names
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    Unique Biblical Girl Names

    Unique Biblical Girl Names
    Unique Biblical Girl Names

    Are you contemplating through a handful baby girl names?

    Is it in your heart to find that one unique biblical girl names to add to your collection or a family tradition?

    Join me in browsing through these absolute beautiful yet unique biblical girl names that you will swoon over.

    ~ Adah

    Meaning of ornament or adornment.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Anna

    Meaning of full of grace or favor.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Abilene

    Meaning of grass.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Adina

    Meaning of noble

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Agatha

    Meaning of virtuous or good

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Angela

    Meaning of messenger of God.

    Originated from the English

    ~ Anna

    Meaning of gracious or merciful

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Bethel

    Meaning of house of God.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Bela

    Meaning of she of fair skin

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Bernice

    Meaning of bringer of victory.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Bethany

    Meaning of house of poverty.

    Originated from the English

    ~ Bithiah

    Meaning of daughter of Yahweh.

    ~ Candace

    Meaning of royal title of queen.

    Originated from the African

    ~ Carmel

    Meaning of garden.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Charity

    Meaning of love and or goodness.

    Originated from the English

    ~ Chesed

    Meaning of loving kindness.

    ~ Christina

    Meaning of follower of Christ.

    Originated from the English

    ~ Claudia

    Meaning of lame

    Originated from the Latin

    ~ Dalida

    Meaning of dahlia flower.

    Originated from the Polish.

    ~ Danielle

    Meaning of God is my judge.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Delilah

    Meaning of delicate.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Diana

    Meaning of perfect.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Dinah

    Meaning of judged or vindicated.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Edna

    Meaning of pleasure.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Eliana

    Meaning of God has answered.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Elizabeth

    Meaning of God is my oath.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Esther

    Meaning of star.

    Originated from the Persian.

    ~ Eunice

    Meaning of good victory

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Eva

    Meaning of life.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Faith

    Meaning of belief or trust in God.

    Originated from the English

    ~ Gabrielle

    Meaning of God is my strength

    Originated from the French

    ~ Genesis

    Meaning of beginning.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Gianna

    Meaning of God is gracious.

    Originated from the Italian

    ~ Grace

    Meaning of grace of God.

    Originated from the Latin.

    Related: Vintage Names For Girls

    ~ Hannah

    Meaning of flight.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Helah

    Meaning of round.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Hope

    Meaning of representing faith.

    Originated from the English

    ~ Hosanna

    Meaning of deliver us.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Ira

    Meaning of watchful

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Iscah

    Meaning of to behold.

    ~ Jescha

    Meaning of God beholds.

    ~ Jessica

    Meaning of to behold.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Joanna

    Meaning of God is gracious

    Originated from the English

    ~ Joy

    Meaning of happiness.

    Originated from the Latin

    ~ Judith

    Meaning of praised or woman of Judea.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Julia

    Meaning of youthful or downy

    Originated from the Latin

    ~ Keilah

    Meaning of fortress

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Keren

    Meaning of ray of light.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Kezia

    Meaning of bending down.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Kristen

    Meaning of follower of Christ.

    Originated from the German.

    ~ Leah

    Meaning of weary

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Levina

    Meaning of joined.

    Originated from the German

    ~ Lois

    Meaning of superior.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Lydia

    Meaning of beautiful one or noble one

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Magadalena

    Meaning of tower.

    ~ Martha

    Meaning of mistress or lady.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Mary

    Meaning of beloved.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Mercy

    Meaning of compassion.

    Originated from the English

    ~ Michelle

    Meaning of who is like God.

    Originated from the French.

    ~ Miriam

    Meaning beloved.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Naamah

    Meaning of pleasant.

    ~ Nadia

    Meaning of hope.

    Originated from the Slavic

    ~ Naomi

    Meaning of pleasant.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Natalie

    Meaning of birthday or the Lord.

    Originated from the French

    ~ Nicole

    Meaning of victorious people.

    Originated from the French

    ~ Noelle

    Meaning born on Christmas Day.

    Originated from the French

    ~ Noa

    Meaning of movement

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Nora

    Meaning of light.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Oprah

    Meaning of fraun.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Pelia

    Meaning of marvel of God.

    ~ Phoebe

    Meaning of bright or pure.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Priscilla

    Meaning of ancient or venerable.

    Originated from the Latin.

    ~ Rachel

    Meaning of ewe.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Rebecca

    Represents great beauty.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Rhoda

    Meaning of rose.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Ruth

    Meaning of friend.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Samantha

    Meaning of God has heard.

    Originated from the American

    ~ Sarah

    Meaning of chief or prince.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Selah

    Meaning of forever.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Seraphina

    Meaning of fiery ones.

    Originated from the Italian

    ~ Sharon

    Meaning of fertile plain.

    Originated from the Italian

    ~ Shiloh

    Meaning of his gift

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Tabitha

    Meaning of gazelle or elegant.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Talitha

    Meaning of young girl.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Tamara

    Meaning of date palm.

    Originated from the Russian.

    ~ Zia

    Meaning of light.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Zilpah

    Meaning of frailty.

    ~ Zina

    Meaning of stranger.

    Originated from the Russian

    ~ Zipporah

    Meaning of bird.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    Well how did these unique biblical girl names do for you?

    Did you find that one perfect unique biblical girl names yet or are you still in the undecisive stage?

    Sometimes it’s hard to stick to just one specific name at the time. It takes time to have something that clicks to you.

    When I was on a search for names, it probably took weeks to months, and even down to the wire

    I would have a name decided but then something else would come by or someone else made a suggestion from the list of the names I haven’t seen.

    And remember that it’s okay to change your mind even up to the last second before you name your child. After all, it’s the final name on the birth certificate that counts.

    Even then, some people change their names later on in their life.

    Pick out several ones that you might be in love with and decide through the days or weeks on what dominates in your mind more.

    It’s a fun journey to embrace so make the most out of it! Hope you find that unique biblical girl names from here.

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