Birthday Wish
It’s my birthday and this year I’ve decided to compile a list of birthday wish to me. A list of wishes that I’m hoping to fulfill this year, next year, or in the near future. Would any of these wish list make it on your birthday? What are your 10 best birthday wishes to yourself?
- My first birthday wish to myself is to be healthier. Ever since I’ve had my kids, my body has been nothing but mine. I understand it’s a change that all mothers go through but it’s just so hard.
2. My second birthday wish to myself is to eat better. Why is it so hard to eat healthier and stick to it? I’ve tried various eating routines and it goes so well in the beginning but then it ends up dying down because either I forget to stick to it or it just doesn’t seem to work.
3. My third birthday wish to myself is to be more active with my kids. I tell this to myself over and over to be more active with them, but it’s hard to maintain that consistency. Much of it of course is giving my excuses of all sorts, but this wish needs to be worked on.
4. My fourth birthday wish to myself is to take time off for myself. My husband is very supportive with this, where he’ll offer to watch the kids and for me to go take some time off and go do something, but I’ve never been able to take that offer. Much of it was because I wasn’t able to physically and mentally before, but I feel like with the progress I’ve made, I’m willing to take this offer.
5. My fifth birthday wish to myself is to put myself first sometimes. I’ve made this attempt many times before but it was easier said then done. I need to really focus on my needs and put myself first before anyone else.
6. My sixth birthday wish to myself is to mange my stress level. Instead of letting things get to me so fast, I need to learn to breath and calm myself down before any reaction.
7. My seventh birthday wish to myself is to create a better income source. I know that this one might take time and is not an instant wish that can come true, but it something that I need to work on, for myself as well as for my family.
8. My eighth birthday wish to myself is to take more vacations. Well with the pandemic right now, it’s not reasonable but once it gets better, the goal is to take vacations, even simple one day ones. Taking time away from the everyday life can be so beneficial to the mind, body, and soul.
9. My ninth birthday wish to myself is to be back to my social butterfly days. I miss having the social life prior to my kids. I want to be able to gain some of that back and it’s up to me to do that.
10. My tenth birthday wish to myself is to be okay with me. Instead of worrying about what others might think, or worrying about what changes I’ve gone through, I need to be okay with who I am now and who I will be.
In order to better our lives and those around us, it is vital that we take care of ourselves first. Neglecting our needs can affect not only us but our families as well. Take some time and make a wish list for yourself. Make a top 10 birthday wish to me list and fulfill them as you go.
I love this list, it is a great idea to decide to do positive things for yourself for your birthday. Goals and dreams that last all year long are a wonderful way to honor yourself. You have chosen great ideas for what to do for your self improvement, parenting and self care. This type of list is a wonderful idea of how to set your intentions for the next year!