Parenting: How To Acknowledge The Difficult Challenges

Parenting: How To Acknowledge The Difficult Challenges

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The Difficult Challenges Of Parenting

When it comes to being a parent, there are so many things that make you happy, yet so challenging.

The hardest part of parenting is how to acknowledge the hardest part and dealing with them.

It will vary among all parenting skills and styles, but these are some that I’ve compiled together that you might or might not agree with.

No me time.

When There’s No “ME” Time

One of the hardest parts of parenting is the struggle of getting some “me” time when my husband is not around is so real.

The weekdays are very repetitive since my oldest has her virtual learning until early afternoon.

Until she gets out, I’m busy keeping my little one busy, while making sure they get their breakfast, lunch, and their snacks in between.

In the midst of that, I try to squeeze in a little blogging time when my little one gets a screen time on iPad or tv but it can change instantly if he changes his mind to do something else.

Balancing between two kids

Trying To Find Balance Between The Two Kids

Another hardest part of parenting with two is trying to find balance between the two kids.

When you have just one, you can put your full focus on that particular child only, but when you have more than one, it becomes challenging to balance the time you spend with each one.

The age gap also plays a factor in this time balance because since the youngest needs more of your attention, it becomes an automatic gesture to attend to the younger one more.

Both kid’s needs are different at times and it gets hard trying to juggle between the two sometimes.

Disciplining and Rules

Trying To Find The Right Way to Discipline

How To Discipline Your Kids was, is, and will always be an ongoing struggle. Sometimes the struggle is because of the guilt you feel when you scold your child for their misbehavior.

One of the main things I try to focus on is to increase my patience level and try to understand their point of view.

But when the misbehavior is a repeated action/behavior, then it comes more difficult not to yell. Trying to teach the kids to do the right thing isn’t the easiest.

Together time

When There’s No Mommy And Daddy Time

I don’t even know when the last time my husband and I had a date night, or even just a dinner alone. With two kids constantly on our toes, we don’t get much time to ourselves.

The only time we were able to go get a little break was if our family watched the kids for a little while so that we can catch a kid-free dinner on our anniversary or run a kid-free errand without them.

But with this pandemic life, there is no break to catch for mommy and daddy.

Sick mom

Trying To Parent Through Sickness/Illness

Trying to get through a day when you’re sick is one of the hardest part of parenting as well.

When you’re sick and you can’t get additional help (especially during this pandemic time of keeping social distance), it’s one of the toughest times ever.

Of course my husband is there but when he’s at work, I have to be okay to take care of things at home.

Sometimes, I want to just lay in bed until I feel okay to wake up, but that’s hardly ever the case. Mommy’s don’t get sick leave as in my other post. We have to just suck it up and get through each day as best as we can.

Disagreement time

Trying To Overcome Disagreements Between Mom And Dad

Sometimes it gets very difficult when mommy and daddy disagree on things when it comes to the kids. Sometimes there will be disagreements between my husband and myself regarding the kids.

It could be discipline or giving in to what they want. Most of the time, my husband lets me deal with it the way I would because he trusts my teacher/mother instincts but there are some rare disagreements.

We are two different people and we can’t always see things eye to eye. Moms and dad will have disagreements but the best way is to come to a compromise on what’s best for the kids and not the adults.

Parenting is one of the toughest jobs in the world. You face so many challenges yet there is no right or wrong way.

The hardest part of parenting a parent brings you down at times, but the rewards are endless. No matter what anyone tells you, go with your own instincts and what works best for you and your family.

28 thoughts on “Parenting: How To Acknowledge The Difficult Challenges

  1. I can relate to this article so well. My two younger boys are only 14 months apart and finding the balance between them and discipline for one when the other is good, hardest part EVER! And of course, fighting to find 10 minutes of me time to shower!

  2. Parenting when you’re sick is one of the toughest ones for me. I want to just be in solitude when I’m sick and that’s just not possible when you’re home with the kiddos!

      1. I already admit to myself that once I become a parent I will be losing more time for myself and I also agree that once you become a parent you and your partner will be having a less time to spend to each other and this is the one that we are working it out right now.

  3. I definitely need more ME time. Trying to balance my responsibilities as a mother and self-care is a juggling act for sure, especially now that the littles are home all day.

  4. There are many challenges but there are many good things as well! As moms, we have to learn to make time for ourselves too.

  5. We are struggling with this right now as we speak. We’re potty training my son and it feels like there is literally no break or time for ourselves. It’s so hard. Thank you for sharing!

  6. Beautiful blog and all of this! Our most difficult is mom and dad time currently! We have planned two trips together as “forced” time away! Sounds severe but that’s where we are.

  7. So very true. Parenting sick is just the worst, especially when your kids just gets over being sick. No one tells you just how much work parenting is before you have kids. But nothing compares to the joys either.

  8. These are so relatable in parenting! Love the advice. Parenting is one of the toughest jobs for real and knowing your doing your best everyday can be challenging at times.

  9. Everything about this article is true! I can totally relate to “there is no ME time” and “parenting through sickness”. Basically, we get no time off!

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