Strong Reflections Of The Year 2020

Strong Reflections Of The Year 2020

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Reflections Of The Year 2020

What is to say about this year except that it’s been one heck of a year and that we all can’t wait for 2021 to come. What were you reflections of the year 2020?

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Arrival

At the beginning of the 2020, there was the news of the corona virus spreading in Wuhan, China and how massively it was affecting the country. Little did we know, (did we know) that this virus would come into the states rapidly and spread like no other.

The symptoms of the virus were similar to that of a cold/flu but then it would affect the respiratory system more as well.

Schools were being shut down, citizens were asked to wear a mask or a face covering of some sort, and stay at home orders were being implemented. People’s lives were dramatically changing as it became a global pandemic, affecting the world altogether.

People were dying in minutes as the number of cases and deaths were constantly rising. Something that we thought would be a temporary problem sees no future end.

Quarantine Life

Quarantine has a new meaning as each state executed their own regulations to deal with this pandemic. Some states implemented mask requirements while others didn’t, and some states had stay at home orders, while others didn’t.

Some schools went completely virtual (distance learning), while other schools remained open for in person learning. Some people followed the regulations while others put the rest in danger by overlooking the request.

Vaccine Approved

Nine months into the pandemic, there is a vaccine in sight. It has been approved and it is being administered to the first responders first and then to the public hopefully sometime early next year. (Most likely mid summer time). But there are still unanswered questions about the vaccine.

People have had various reactions to the vaccine and some are still being studied to find the reasons behind it. I’m still skeptical myself about it. I would love to take the vaccine if it means it will not only protect me but protect those around me as well, but the fear of how soon the vaccine was developed and it being still in the early stages gives me a bit of anxiety.

All the Holidays

So many of the holidays this year were celebrated in such odd ways. Many tried to make the most of it by social distancing or virtually but it just wasn’t the same. It’s almost as if we didn’t get to celebrate it. With the stay at home orders and the for gatherings to be small or limited, it was hard to celebrate the holidays the way we all used to.

Especially for thanksgiving and Christmas. Not having the usual family gathering together, eating and laughing in one big table was a bit of a disappointment. I don’t know about other families, but we followed the guidelines and the regulations for the safety for one another, even thought it wasn’t what we all wanted to do.

Personal Growth

2020 has taught me so much about myself personally. Perseverance! With the lockdowns, social distancing, and virtual learning, I didn’t think I would be able handle the situations, but I was so proud of how I managed with my kids while my husband was at work.

Being home all day with the kids is no joke, especially when one needs help with her virtual learning (the beginning was such a struggle because no one knew what to expect or how to do things) and my little one who constantly needed mommy’s attention.

I doubted myself because I was able to handle it better than I would have ever expected. I admit I had days where I was emotionally and physically drained, but it was way better than how I’ve been the past 5 years.

This year, 2020, has taught me that I can do so much more if I put my mind to it. I just need to stick to what I’m good and just push myself. I was able to start this blogging journey, which I am very well proud of as well. (You can start your own journey by click on the image below)

Share with me what your reactions of the year 2020 was under the comments.

Related: 2021

In all, Goodbye 2020! We will definitely not miss you. We welcome 2021 with our arms wide open!

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