Engaging Music And Movement Activities For Preschoolers

Being in the early childhood education for 17+ years as a teacher and a director, it’s crucial that early childhood curriculum include different genres of music.
Music activity for the group settings to acknowledge the appreciation of music as well is a big part of music and movement activities.
The importance of music should be included in music and movement activities for preschoolers for for these young children in the preschool classroom.
I can definitely tell you the that there are important benefits of music in a child’s development.
Preschool children of all ages, can enhance their language development and emotional development, but it also helps with physical development as well.
Great developmental benefits are seen in their fine motor skills as well as gross motor skills.
Classic Game
Simon Says – Spatial awareness with movement time. You can not only learn new words but a can use your favorite ideas to help kids with different movement ideas.
It’s a classic attention getter as well a children’s favorite in all environments.
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes – It’s a classic song that teaches about our body parts and body movements. Many educators use it curing their circle time to have it be a repetitive song for the kids to learn.
Musical Games – Musical chairs – Upbeat song, fun music plays as the kids enjoy movement fun through this physical activity.
Chairs are displayed in the middle of the classroom or if home, in the middle of the living room.
If there are 10 kids for example, then only 9 chairs are to be displayed so that you can distinguish who missed out on a chair.
Some times hurt feelings get in the way when they miss the chair. Figuring out a way to possibly create a task for them would be a great idea as well.
Silk Scarves – Silk Scarves come in various colors to emphasize color strategies as well as fine motor skills.
I’ve used it in my classrooms as a tool to help teach colors and games. We often played “who has the scarf” by making a circle.
One person would hide it while the rest of the group would close their eyes.
Musical Activities
Circle Time – Circle time is a fun way and a great way for young kids to learn a simple song that can become one of their favorite songs. Through different ways and different sounds, familiar songs are played everyday.
Finger Puppets And Finger Plays – This is a great idea for kids who might be a bit shy and are unsure of what to do.
Finger puppets can be incorporated in music lessons because it creates and builds a character. It can also help with problem solving skills by creating a scene or reenacting one.
Straight Line Movement Activity – This activity is something that emphasizes on eye coordination. Utilizing a tool to create a straight line, kids learn to move across the line while background music plays.
Freeze Dance – Can you ever go wrong with freeze dance? It’s one of the best musical activities to do in this age group because it’s a great way for children to display their own personalities.
Kids dance to the music playing, and once the music stops, they must freeze in whatever position they’re in.
Name That Tune – By utilizing the children’s favorite songs, you can test their memory skills. Play a song and have the children name that tune.
Prop Dancing – Have each child grab an item in the classroom that they would like to dance with or create a dance movement for. Play a background music for them and see their creative sides shine.
Related: Simple Daily Activities For Kids
Favorite Music
Instrumental Music – Most of the instrumental music is used it to calm the children down, either from outside activities, or when they are over stimulator in the classroom.
It helps them relax and bring some order back to the class as well.
Classical Music – Classical music just like the instrumental music can be used as a calm activity.
Although it’s commonly used during nap time or quiet time, it can still create activities for kids to move slowly and quietly.
Action Songs or Fun Song – This would require different actions with movement songs playing in the background music. Some of my favorite action songs are found here. Some are newer and some are older but it gets the kids going.
ABC Song – I include this song in the favorite music category because it’s one of the first songs we all try to teach our kids.
Maybe it’s a favorite of the mommy and daddy play list but it’s a good one.
Five Little Ducks – The five little ducks are famous for going over the hill and far away. Kids learn the concept of counting down and number recognition as well.
Own Musical Instruments And Rhythm Instruments

Rhythm Sticks – One of the all-time favorite yet different instruments used in these preschool year olds classrooms.
They are able to create music through sticks in their onw creative minds. You can include a piece of music or not, depending on what the kids want.
Musical Toy – Musical toys for preschoolers vary. Most of the toys include learning a concept of some sort.
In the classroom settings, they have objects that can fall in the “toy” category that can be used as music and movement development.
Egg Shaker – Who doesn’t love egg shakers in a preschool classroom? It’s such a multi-purpose instrument. It helps with motor skills but also the senses as well.
Utilizing the phatic eggs, (Easter eggs work the best) the kids can fill it with beans or beads and tape it up so prevent them from coming out.
Bean Bags – Bean bags can be used as a game as well as musical activity. One activity I used to do was to pair the children up and practice passing it to one another while music is playing.
Similar to musical chair, the person that’s holding the bean bag when the music stops is out.
Paper Plates – Paper plates can be used to create multiple musical tools. First one can be a shaker. With some beads or beans, you can create shakers with the paper plate folded in half.
CD Player – Most if not all preschool classrooms have a a CD player. It is used for musical activity, with a playlist of songs for various music education throughout the day.
Commonly Used Musical Instruments – Most preschool classrooms have the commonly used instruments that are most popular among the children.
Some of those include drums, tambourines, xylophones, maracas, triangle, castanets, bells, whistles and more.
Nursery Rhymes
Like Hickory Dickory Dock – One of the most famous and classic nursery rhymes of them all if Hickory Dickory Dock. It teaches rhythm and number skills as well.
Little Bunny Foo Foo – Another classic nursery rhyme that teaches kids about being nice and what happens when you’re not nice.
Baa Baa Black Sheep – Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool? Yes, sir, yes, sir, Three bags full; One for the master, One for the dame, And one for the little boy Who lives down the lane.
Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool? Yes, sir, yes, sir, Three bags full
Mary Had Little Lamb – Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow. And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go. (one of the many verses of the song)
The Wheels On The Bus – One of the most well known nursery rhymes, commonly known to the younger age groups. I remember singing this song all the time to my two kids as well.
Old MacDonald Had A Farm – Such a great song about what animals are on the farm. Sometimes we add additional animals that may not be on the farm, just to encourage animal sound recognitions.
Bingo – Children learn about repetition through many songs. This one is a good one to learn about sound concepts along with process of elimination as well.
B-I-N-G-O also teaches them language through the spelling attributes. It’s such a multi-purpose songs that teaches various techniques.
Early childhood educators include preschool music activities in the learning station to help create important concepts through great music.
Through music, a great thing thing you learn are some important skills like language skills and social skills that are vital not only in their preschool years but thereafter.
Music has such a strong positive effect on these young minds. Sometimes, you don’t even have to have special instruments.
Including music and movement activities for preschoolers in the class is vital for their learning.
You can use everyday items in your living room and create some strong beat.
It allows emotional expression for kids to express while having great fun. It becomes a great addition to their daily activities.
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