Meaningful Reflections Of The Great Year 2021

Meaningful Reflections Of The Great Year 2021

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Meaningful Reflections Of The Year

As the year comes to an end, you can’t help but to look back on what the year has brought and taken.

A meaningful reflections of the great year 2021 helps us gain a glimpse of what has happened in the past year.

It’s been a challenging year as we continue this pandemic life, but we all tried to make the most of the circumstances.

Meaningful reflections

Blogging Life Reflections

My blogging life has improved tremendously in the past year. You can check out my post Lessons Learned in My first year of blogging. Here I share how my first year of blogging went as well.

I’ve earned so much about this blogging culture not only through other bloggers, but from my own developments as well.

It’s become a huge part of my life and have slowly made some money through blogging. (Hoping to continue to do so in the new year)

Family Reflections

Covid has caused a lot of distance within family since we couldn’t gather as much as we normally would, but we made the most of what we could.

We were very cautious of one another’s safety and made sure to be keep our social distances when needed.

Masks and sanitizing has been the key as we kept cautious social distancing possible. I also feel like it brought us a bit closer as we continuously checked on each other on a daily or weekly basis.

Personal Life Reflections

My personal life hasn’t changed much because covid put so much restrictions on what I want to do. I’ve been so homebody and just being cautious that I’ve neglected so much of my personal life.

Social distancing from friends and just overly cautious of the possibilities of getting covid or spreading covid has kept me out of the loop in so many ways. I’m hoping to find some ease in this department as the new year approaches.

Growth & Development Reflections

Through this blogging/influencer life, I’ve seen so much growth and development in myself.

I’ve come out of my comfort zone and have created so many contents on social media pages, especially on Instagram and tiktok. I’m learning more of the ins and outs and yeses and no’s of blogging and how to make improvements as I go.

Networking Reflections

One big lessons I learned is that you can’t do things alone. Blogging life can get lonely at times because nor your friends or family will understand all that has to come with it.

Only those that are in the field will have a full understating of everything that you go through.

Finding people that connect with you and work through it with you is very important. I’ve had some great connections and not so great ones this year, and I’m blessed to have my small group.

Parenting Reflections

I think most parents will tell you that it’s been a roller coaster ride for many parents. Trying to juggle the distance virtual learning has been something a huge challenge for many.

Children are used to watching shows and playing games on their iPads and computers. Having to resort to it for learning in an online group setting required a lot of adjustments.

Waking up to go stare at an iPad for more than half a day has not been easy for the kids.

For the parents trying to motivate their children and being at home with them while they were learning has been a learning factor too.

But for the most part, we all did great. My daughter enjoyed learning in the comfort of her home in her pajamas at times, without having to change.

2 thoughts on “Meaningful Reflections Of The Great Year 2021

  1. I can very well relate to your blogging experience as it has brought so many positivesin my life as well. Plus, 2021 also brought my little baby girl. All in all it was a great year!

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