How To Best Distinguish Many Different Hats Of Motherhood

How To Best Distinguish Many Different Hats Of Motherhood

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Different Hats Of Motherhood

As all moms will tell you, wearing many different hats of motherhood becomes part of your normal life.

Moms wear a million different hats throughout the day, that sometimes you lose track of who you are.

There’s a need for moms to do everything that is nearly impossible to get done in one day.


Spending most of my day in the kitchen these days, wearing a chef hat is one of the many different hats of motherhood.

Cooking three meals a day (sometimes my husband will cook dinner for us), and to make in between snacks for them is part of this hats of motherhood.

Motherhood hat for a chef takes on another multipurpose role. Motherhood chef not only prepares meals and serves them, but also have to clean-up and wash the dishes as well.

Then you turn around to prepare for the next meal or the snack and repeat the same cycle all over again. Keep in mind that sometimes, unplanned meals are encountered because the kids will REFUSE to eat.

hats of motherhood


Doctor hat is worn throughout the day as well. Especially with the pandemic life and being home all the time, the kids also have their share of aches.

Virtual learning creates a lot of problems as well, since you’re sitting in front of a screen all day. Not only does it enhance digestion problems, but vision affects as well.

My daughter would often get tension headaches from starring at the screen too long. So I make sure she takes in between breaks as much as possible.

Also to consider the possible scratches/bruises/scrapes that might be encountered during the day as well. Often you forget about your own aches and pains because of the kids needs.


The teacher in me comes out throughout each day to help assist my daughter in school and to help my son with his age appropriate developments.

The many different hats of motherhood couldn’t leave out a teachers hat. My daughter has gotten into a great routine with the virtual learning so asking for help has been a little less.

But there’s always the homework that does need some assistance. With my little one, he constantly wants mommy to be doing things with him.

We are always engaging in some type of a learning activity. If it wasn’t for the pandemic, he would have been in preschool right now learning with friends.

Since we have to do what’s best for us, we make the most of it with my own skills and what he’s able to do.

Related Motherhood Role


Social life has been stripped of these kids when the pandemic happened. We used to have play dates and gatherings often so that the adults and the kids would have time to socialize.

Now being home and trying to keep social distance, they’ve lost their friends and the play times with them. So mom comes into the picture and tries to be that friend.

It’s not easy trying to be there for them, with the both kids and having to things for myself as well.

Each one has their own needs and wants and its often difficult to keep up with it all. Being a friend means knowing how to listen and share each other’s likes and dislikes.


Children need all of the encouragement through the day. It could help them reach a milestone or achieve a goal they’ve been meaning to meat or struggled with.

Cheerleaders hat helps the kids boost their self esteem knowing that they are being supported for whatever they want or need to do.

Constant constructive criticism and praise for the positive things that they do will encourage them to keep up to the good work.

Handy Woman

Boy, is it just my kids or do kids break things all the time? I’m constantly fixing a broken toy or gluing/stapling something back to get her.

Luckily, my kids never threw anything in the toilets so we never really had toilet clogging issues.

Personal Assistant

I’ve become the personal assistant for my kids. It takes me back to my old job working as an assistant. I have to constantly pick up after them or remind them of the things that needs to be done.

I’m always picking out their clothes, (although we’ve put an end to that now, so they pick their own clothes).

I am their chauffeur, for the little distances that I can drive to and from. I’m also their hairstylist for both whenever a nice hairstyle is needed, or just a daily tidy up as well.

To create many different hats of motherhood is visible in the roles we take on. These hats of motherhood don’t define all the actions we take, but just a mere glimpse of them.

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