10 Ways How To Encourage Kids To Read More

10 Ways How To Encourage Kids To Read More

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Encourage Kids To read

kids to read

Do you or your children have a favorite book that you always turn to? Do you enjoy spending time reading a nice book?

So how to encourage kids to read more? What are some ways to encourage reading to your children?

I’ve compiled some ideas on how to encourage kids to read that your children can enjoy it more.

Family Reading Time

What is family reading time? Its a wonderful way to encourage kids to read, where everyone grabs their favorite book and gathers to read. It’s a group reading time. It can be a physical book, kindle, or even a app on an iPad.

Since my little one can’t read, the reading apps come in pretty handy. But having a group reading time helps kids know that mommy and daddy read too.

Create A Reading Area

Creating a designated reading area for the kids can enhance their reading moments. With the excitement of having a special area for quiet reading time, it helps them creat their imagination.

How to encourage kids to read can be created with a little reading nook near our bookshelf, but that didn’t last too long. My daughter was gifted a princess indoor tent for Christmas, and that quickly replaced her reading area.

Rotate The Books

We try to rotate the books around to help them not be stuck with the same books over and over. We a have a small kiddy book shelve where the short books are showcased. (Don’t mind the messy books).

We also have a large bookshelf that has the chapters books for sister too. We rotate the books around so that different books are shown weekly or bi-weekly.

It’s hard sometimes because my little one has his favorite sets of books and if he can’t find it, he gets super sad and upset. So sometimes, the rotating books doesn’t happen as often.

Bed Time Pick Your Book

We used to read a bedtime story to the kids but it’s been on a pause for awhile because it took them longer time to go back to sleep. But recently we started again.

This time it was a “pick you own book” theme. Each child gets to pick one book of their choice and either mommy or daddy will read it to them.

Sometimes one parent per child or sometimes one parent per both child. Each day varies to keep it more exciting.

The kids were still able to go back to sleep like normal, so we might keep this up again.

Turn Screen Time Into Reading Time

With the kids loving screen time so much, have them focus on reading apps. There are many apps that enhance reading these days.

Some are trials and some are paid. Kids are so mesmerized by watching things on screen, so why not turn that moment into a learning experience.

Give them the opportunity to expand their reading imaginations onto the screen, just like they would if it was like watching a tv show. Instead, they explore a book.

Sometimes they even have 3D digital books as well. Of course you would want to put a time limit during the screen time, but I think it’s a great way to visually learn.

Reading Chart

Just like there’s a rewards chart, creating a reading chart is also a fun way to keep track of their reading and earn credible points some how.

You can sit down with your children and analyze what type of reward system you want for the reading they accomplish.

Library Visits

Library visits are always a plus in encouraging reading time. First way is to have them create their own library cards. Giving them that responsibility to be able to check out and return the borrowed books becomes a huge role for them.

With the tools at the library, they can choose the books that they are interested in and within their level as well.

Read To Earn Screen Time

With today’s society focusing so much on screen-time, why not make reading a priority by having them earn screen time through reading. In our household, one way to earn screen-time is by reading.

Every hour of reading earns a certain amount of screen time that can accredited. Redeeming the screen-time is up to the kids.

Whether they use it right away or add them up and use them in a big chunk is a decision that is up to them.

Create Your Own Book

Sometimes bringing that imagination into their world is a great way to enhance learning.

Why not have them create their own books for reading. Depending on the age level of your child, they can create books through pictures or add words and phrases whenever possible.

Highlight New Words

A fun learning tool for the younger audience is using highlighters to highlight words that they are not familiar with.

It’s a way to learn new words and help them look up the meaning of them as they go.

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