Names For Girls To Love
Are you lookin for some cute and short names for girls to name your daughter or a girl in your life?
Cute and short names for girls has benefits in the long-term. Who wants to be writing a long name during school days, having to worry about running out of space?
Let’s break it down and see what are some 3 letter names for girls that are hard not to love.
Amy – a Latin originated name with beloved as the meaning. (Did you know that Amy is currently #92 on the baby names popularity charts)
Ann – Originated from Hebrew with the meaning of gracious and merciful
Ava – Origin is English and has the meaning to breath and to live.
Ari – Origin is from Hebrew and it’s actually a gender neutral name. It’s meaning is Lion.
Aya – a Hebrew originated name with a meaning of bird.
Bel – Originated from the Indian heritage with the meaning of sacred wood.
Bev – an English originated name with a meaning of from the beaver stream. (short form of Beverly)
Bri – Irish originated name with a meaning of noble. (short form of Brianna or Brianne)
Cam – Another gender neutral name, originating from Scotland. It just means short form of names in Cam-.
Cas – originated from the Dutch with a meaning of imperial.
Cat – a Greek originated name with a meaning of pure.
Dee – a Welsch originated name with a meaning of dark.
Ela – is a Turkish name with the meaning hazel colored.
Ena – an Irish name with a short form of Eithne
Eva – is a Hebrew name meaning the giver of life. (#95 on the baby names popularity charts)
Eve – is another Hebrew name meaning to break and to live. (Another form of Ava)
Fay – English originated name with a meaning of fairy.
Gia – is a Italian name with the meaning of God is gracious.
Gen – is a Japanese name with the meaning of Spring.
Related: Vintage Baby Girl Names

Ida – originated in Germany with the meaning of hardworking.
Ivy – is an English name which means climbing vine plant. (Ivy is #8 on the baby names popularity charts. That’s pretty amazing)
Jax – gender neutral American name with the meaning of son of Jack
Jia – Chinese originated name with a meaning of Family and Kin.
Jen – originated from an English name with the meaning of fair phantom.
Joy – a Latin originated name with a meaning of happiness.
Kai – is a gender neutral name that came from Hawaii, with the meaning of ocean. (Of course Hawaii and the ocean go together!)
Kay – originated from Greek with a meaning of rejoice.
Kim – is another gender neutral English name that is a short form of Kimberly (Kimberly mean from the meadow of the royal fortress. Seem so fancy don’t you think? )
Lea – is a Hebrew name which means weary.
Lee – gender neutral English name with a meaning of field
Len – is a gender neutral English name with the meaning of diminutive form of Leonard or Helena.
Mia – is English name which means of the sea or bitter. (#91 on the baby names popularity charts)
May – English name with the meaning of Goddess Maia or family of Matthew
Mel – is a gender neutral American name as a short from for Melanie or Melissa. (meaning of bee)
Mya – originated American name meaning mine.
Nat – gender neutral American name short form Natalie, Nathan, or Nathaniel. (Natalie “born on Christmas,” Nathan “he gave,” and Nathaniel “gift of God.”)
Nia – originated in Welsh with a meaning of bright.
Noa – a Hebrew name with a meaning of movement.
Ona – an Irish originated name with a meaning of one.

Related: Vintage Boy Names
Pam – an English name meaning all honey (short form of Pamela)
Pat – gender neutral English name with the meaning of noble. (short form of Patty or Patricia)
Peg – originated as an English name with the meaning of pearl.
Pia – Italian name with the meaning of pious.
Rae – originated as an English name with a short form of Rachel
Rei – a Japanese name with a meaning of Bell or Lovely
Ria – an English originated name with short form of Maria
Sky – gender neutral Scandinavian name with the meaning of atmosphere seen from Earth.
Sol – originated as a Spanish name with a meaning of sun.
Sue – English originated name with a meaning of Lily (short form of susanna)
Val – originated as a Latin name with a meaning of Valiant (short form of Valerie)
Wen – gender neutral Chinese name meaning culture and writing
Wyn – a Welsh originated name with a meaning of blessed (short form of Gwyneth)
Zen – gender neutral Japanese name meaning type of Buddhism.
Zoe – originated from Greek with a meaning of life.
When it comes to names for girls, you can’t leave out all the cute nicknames that go with those traditional or non-traditional names.
Cute Nicknames For Girl’s Names
- Bella – (short form of Annabella)
- Josie – (short form of Josephine)
- Cece – (short form of Cecelia)
- Lex or Lexie – (short form of Alexandra)
- Izzy – (short form of Isabella)
- Lily -(short form of Liliana)
- Emmy or Emi – (short form of Emily)
- Cam or Cami – (short form of Cameron)
- Val – (short form of Valerie)
- Evie – (short form of Evenlyn)
- Roxy or Roxi – (short form of Roxanne)
- Sam or also Sammy – (short form of Samantha)
- Ellie or Elly – (short form of Eloise or Eloisa
- Polly – (short form of Pollyanna)
- Vera or Roni – (short form of Veronica)
- Bri – (short form of Brianna or Brianne)
- Gwen or Gweny) – (short form of Gwyneth or Gwendolyn)
- Brooke – (short form of Brooklyn)
- Tay – (short form of Taylor)
- Cassie – (short form of Cassandra)
Sweet Nicknames or Names For Girls
- My Angel
- Lovely
- Darling
- Sweetie
- Munchkin
- Princess
- Queen
- Sweetheart
- Honey
- Cupcake
- Pumpkin
- Missy
- Snuggles
- Shorty
- Cutie
- Beautiful
- Dollface
- Sunshine
- Buttercup
- Muffin
- Peanut
- Nugget
- Sugar pie
So how was the list of the 3 letter names for girls for you? Were there any that just stood out for you or some that you might use for your own kids as well?
It’s amazing how many names for girls are available, especially around the world. Being able to choose a name is hard, but to know that there are plenty to choose from, might put your heart at ease.
I like your list of 3-letter names for girls. I know people, some of them friends, who have the names you mentioned.
Wow what a great comprehensive list of names here! I was really inspired by the name EVA!
I knew some but didn’t know the origins or meaning behind them. Nice!
Wow, I never thought there were so many three-letter girls’ names. Unfortunately, I have only sons.
I, of course, love 3-letter names! Thanks for this great list!