Day Trip
Weekends are what I look forward to the most, as many would say the same because I get a little more breathing room to look forward to a day trip or a weekend trips.
By that I mean, my husband is home so I have another adult who can help me get through the days. Also we can go for drives for a longer distance, since I have some driving issues I shared here Overcoming Fear
My daughter also gets a few days break from distance learning to get refreshed. Here’s some tips on how to spend a day trip in sunny SD.
On The Road
We were able to take another much needed break from the everyday life at home with a day trip to sunny SD. My sister and her family were already in San Diego so we decided to go and hang out with them.
The drive there was a bit shaky as the traffic increased and the drivers were getting aggressive on the road.
Why can’t we all just follow the rules and drive the way we were tested to be??? Didn’t we all get a license the same way or not? 😩😩😩😩
Everyone on the road thought they had the right of way, without looking or considering other people. *sigh* Traffic wasn’t our friend but we managed to survive and get to our destination.
Arriving At The Beach
When we finally arrived, the weather was so much nicer and the breeze by the Oceanside was just amazing. It gives you the sense of relaxation and calm. We got to Belmont Park and walked around a bit before we settled down to eat.
We ordered an XL pizza, some chicken tenders, and fries for the eight of us, and we managed to finish it all. What is it about the beach weather that gives you an awesome appetite?
The pizza was a bit greasy, (actually a lot greasy for me) but the peppers and the jalapeño gave it a good balance for me.
On To The Sunshine
We made our way onto the beach so the kids can get some water time. The spot we found had a good distance from others, as we are strictly social distancing during this pandemic.
We didn’t see a lot of people wearing masks on the the sand and near beach, but we made sure our family did, because this mama is not that brave to face the possible consequences of not wearing it.
Once we got settled, the kids were digging holes in the sand while the adults were watching and conversing amongst themselves. Whenever the kids wanted to go for a swim, one adult would attend with them since my toddler was too little to be around the water unattended.
It was my sister and my husband who would take turns taking the kids to the water. The umbrella gave us just enough amount of shade to feel the breeze and the sun at the same time.
We made sure everyone had enough sun block on because last time we went to the beach, I came home looking like a lobster. I guess I missed a few spots here and there and the sunblock didn’t do its job.
Carlsbad Outlet
The beach time was cut short because this mama wanted to stop by the Carlsbad Outlets on the way home. When we arrived there, it wasn’t as great as I expected.
I’ve been on a hunt for some new shoes and some clothes (yeah I know, where am I going during this pandemic?) but I can still shoot for new stuff. Some stores had lines and others were quite empty. By the time we walked around the outlet, it was dinner time.
We were hoping to find a place to eat there, but not much was offered. Then my brother-in-law found out that there was a food court across the street so we went there instead.
The food court seemed to have been a reception hall prior to it being converted to a food court.
They had various options to choose from, including a bar for adults, and a dessert place. So we each ordered our dinner options, and was able to grab some dessert after as well.
The drive home was a WHOLE lot smoother than the drive there. This is the calm before the storm of another week with distance learning and a toddler at home. #momlife
How or where do you go for your day trip or weekend trips?
Gotta love a day trip to the beach X