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105+ Unique Biblical Boy Names

    Unique Biblical Boy Names
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    Unique Biblical Boy Names

    To be in search for that special unique biblical boy names for your baby is a fun yet challenging journey.

    There are so many names to add to the collection.

    Unique biblical boy names are popular right now amongst many couples.

    Biblical names are not only unique but cute and lovely. It has some inspiration for many people as well too. You don’t have to religious to choose a unique biblical boy names.

    ~ Aaron

    Meaning of high mountain or exalted.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Abel

    Meaning of breath

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Abraham

    Meaning of father of many nations.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Adam

    Meaning of man or humanity.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Alexander

    Meaning of defender of men.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Barnabas

    Meaning of son of encouragement.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Bartholomew

    Meaning of furrowed

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Benjamin

    Meaning of son of the right.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Bishop

    Meaning of overseer.

    Originated from the English

    ~ Cain

    Meaning to get or acquired

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Caleb

    Meaning of faithful or whole hearted

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Christopher

    Meaning of Christ-bearer.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Cornelius

    Meaning of horn.

    Originated from the Latin

    ~ Daniel

    Meaning of God is my judge.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ David

    Meaning of beloved.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Deacon

    Meaning of servant.

    Originated from the English

    ~ Demetrius

    Meaning of devoted

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Eli

    Meaning of ascent or my God.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Elijah

    Meaning of the Lord is my God.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Emmanuel

    Meaning of God is with us.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Evan

    Meaning of God is gracious.

    Originated from the Welsh

    ~ Ezekiel

    Meaning of God’s strength.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Felix

    Meaning of lucky or successful.

    Originated from the Latin

    ~ Gabriel

    Meaning of God is my strength.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Giovanni

    Meaning of God is gracious.

    Originated from the Italian

    ~ Goliath

    Meaning of God is giant

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Hanoch

    Meaning of dedicated

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Herod

    Meaning of song of the hero.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Hiram

    Meaning of exalted brother or benevolent brother.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Ian

    Meaning of God is gracious.

    Originated from the Scottish

    ~ Immanuel

    Meaning of God is with us.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Isaac

    Meaning of he will laugh.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Isaiah

    Meaning of God is salvation.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Ivan

    Meaning of God is gracious.

    Originated from the Russian

    ~ Jacob

    Meaning of heel.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ James

    Meaning of to follow or supplanter.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Jason

    Meaning of healer.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Jasper

    Meaning of treasurer

    Originated from the English

    ~ Jedediah

    Meaning of beloved to God.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Jeremiah

    Meaning of God loosens or God will exalt.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ John

    Meaning of God is gracious.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Jonathan

    Meaning of God has given

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Joshua

    Meaning of God is salvation.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Kaleb

    Meaning of whole hearted

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Kedron

    Meaning of the cedars

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Kenaz

    Meaning of bright.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    Related Vintage Baby Boy Names

    ~ Levi

    Meaning of to join or connect.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Linus

    Meaning of flax.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Lucas

    Meaning of Lucania, Italy

    Originated from the Latin

    ~ Lucius

    Meaning of light.

    Originated from the Latin.

    ~ Luke

    Meaning of light.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Manuel

    Meaning of God with us.

    Originated from the Spanish

    ~ Marcus

    Meaning of God of war.

    Originated from the Latin

    ~ Matthew

    Meaning of gift of God.

    Originated from the English

    ~ Michael

    Meaning of who is like God.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Moses

    Meaning of pull out or to draw out of water.

    Originated from the Egyptian

    ~ Nathaniel

    Meaning of God has given.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Nehemiah

    Meaning of God comforts.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Nicholas

    Meaning of victory of people

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Noah

    Meaning of rest or peace.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Obadiah

    Meaning of servant of God.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Omar

    Meaning of long life or popular.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Oziel

    Meaning of power of God.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Paul

    Meaning of small or humble.

    Originated from the Latin

    ~ Peter

    Meaning of stone or rock.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Philip

    Meaning of friend of horses.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Psalm

    Meaning of song or to pluck

    Originated from the English

    ~ Raphael

    Meaning of God has healed.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Reuben

    Meaning of he will love me.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Roman

    Meaning of from or belong to the Roman Empire.

    Originated from the English

    ~ Ronan

    Meaning of little seal.

    Originated from the Irish

    ~ Samson

    Meaning of the sun.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Samuel

    Meaning of God has set.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Samson

    Meaning of sun or service

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Seth

    Meaning of placed or appointed.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Silas

    Meaning of the forest.

    Originated from the Latin

    ~ Simon

    Meaning of to hear or listen.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Solomon

    Meaning of peace.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Stephen

    Meaning of wreath or crown.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Thaddeus =

    Meaning of praise

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Thomas

    Meaning of wreath or crown.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Timothy

    Meaning of one who honors God.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Tius

    Meaning of

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Tobias

    Meaning of God is good.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Uri

    Meaning of God is my light.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Uriah

    Meaning of my light is God or flame of God.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Yonah

    Meaning of dove

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Yosef

    Meaning of God will increase.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    ~ Zacchaeus

    Meaning of pure.

    Originated from the Greek

    ~ Zechariah

    Meaning of God remembers.

    Originated from the Hebrew

    How did you like the list of these unique biblical boy names? Did you find any that you favor?

    And remember that it’s okay to change your mind even up to the last second before you name your child. After all, it’s the final name on the birth certificate that counts.

    The depth meaning of these unique biblical boy names has come from various origin and is used by many.

    Biblical names for boys and girls are a hot commodity so why not choose one from these?

    2 thoughts on “105+ Unique Biblical Boy Names”

    1. Great list of biblical names for boys! Some I didn’t realize were biblical like Benjamin and Timothy. I’m sure parents will find your list amazing!

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