How To Incorporate Homework Enhancement

How To Incorporate Homework Enhancement

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Homework Enhancement
Homework Enhancement

Incorporate Homework Enhancement

My two year old has been interested in learning since he sees his sister doing distance learning at home. He sees her doing homework and class work and often wants to engage in the activities. He’s been very eager about reading books (we read a million books a day, often repeats) and learning. We are working on how to incorporate homework enhancement.

So I got him this book from amazon and he absolutely loves it. I tried other books with him and he only barely did a page or so and didn’t even look twice. Although this book says ages 3-5, he’s able to do a lot of them, even on his own. It seems like a good start book for a 3 year old or so. The book has the basic tracing, coloring, recognizing letters, numbers, and shapes.

Then it goes into some letter sounds, pre-writing skills, critical thinking (age appropriate), math, and following directions accordingly. My little one was able to do a lot of them when I read him the directions. The concept of the book seems very simple and direct to the point. The first day we got this book, he did about 10 pages because he was so excited.

This book is definitely worth it for the price. Over 300 pages of learning adventure awaits. Click on the link to claim yours now.

For sister I got her these two books to help her with her reading and writing skills. They are very similar, so you might be okay getting either one. It helps with vocabulary, sentence structures, and comprehension.

She’s able to do a few pages at a time with or without assistance. She also uses them during weekends or short days. It will also come in handy during her thanksgiving break and winter break as well.

Ways To Assist Homework

Afterschool Tutoring

Some schools offer afterschool tutoring programs where either the teacher or other staff members take time out of their school sessions to assist the children with their struggles or to help enhance their skills too.

Homework Planners

Some times having a responsible tool is also beneficial too. Having a homework planner also helps the kids keep track of their homework and see what is due and when.

Accountability Partners

Having a person or a class mate to have as an accountability partner is a good way to help each other stay on track. Daily activities aren’t always easy to monitor when there’s so many of them.

Designated Location

Having a defined location to do you homework only is a crucial part of enhancing the work habits. Instead of going from one place to another, have a specific desk or table for work to be done.

Snack Availability

Making sure that the child is not hungry is also a key component. Sometimes when they come home from school, they are at a hungry stage. Providing some snacks to make sure that their little tummies are somewhat filled is a good idea.

Related : Daily Activities

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