Make The Most of Halloween
Halloween this year was so different in all aspects. The county put restrictions on Halloween events, even recommending not to participate in the door to door trick or treating events. Did we just take all the fun out of Halloween for the kids or what? The pondering question was how to make the most of 2020 Halloween.
2020 isn’t giving us any breathing room is it? Halloween is a traditional day where kids get dressed up with their favorite costumes and enjoy a day or night of trick or treating and or hosting events.
Kids get sugar high and scream with joy at a near by pumpkin patch with games and fun. Parents are usually busy taking pictures of their little ones all dressed in their costumes. But this year is so different.
Our kids are missing out on so many things and many things are deprived from them. Although some places were still hosting pumpkin patches and some trunk or treat events, we put a limit on many of the locations because we wanted to social distance from the big crowds.
Normally we would be hosting a Halloween party of some sort, or attending at least a few pumpkin patches for the kids to enjoy but this year was different than the others.
Drive Thru Trick or Treat Nightmare
Since we limited our trick or treat events, we wanted to partake in our first drive thru trick or treat event at a nearby mall and boy was it a disaster. We arrived there about 10 minutes before the event started and the cars were already jam packed.
The event host said that there isn’t a designated starting point and that you can enter through any of the mall entrances.
Even with that, it seemed as if all the cars were only going in one directions. The trick or treat spots were defined with canopies but none of them start until exactly at 5pm. Cars were stopped in all directions and no one was able to get through.
We thought going through a parking lot aisle would get us out of the jam but instead, we were stuck. All the cars only wanted to go one direction while the opposite direction was free with no cars.
They all wanted to turn right only, which increased the traffic more and more. No one was directing traffic and people were getting more and more frustrated. We were done with it even before it started but there was no way for us to get out of this traffic. It was not moving at all.
After sitting there for awhile, one car was leaving and luckily was able to move forward into the other parking space, freeing space for us to get out as well. As we managed to drive out of the chaos, we saw more and more cars entering into the traffic doom. We were glad to escape the mayhem.
Costume Hunt Nightmare
We spent a WHOLE day on a costume hunt for our kids and that alone was Halloween for us. My daughter was insisting on a certain outfit so we made a visit to at least 5 different targets to find the costume.
We would find one but then the size was bigger than what it said. Then we switched to a different costume but that size was too small. So we went with the original one she wanted but it was sold out everywhere.
We searched on the app, we drove to different locations, but they were all sold out. We even took a lunch break and ate sandwiches in the car. Finally we said we would get whatever was available but lucky her, they had her costume in the size she needed.
THANK GOD! This mama was done looking at costumes. Sister was the black widow and brother was captain America. The avengers brother sister duo were out to rule the world!
Since the costume hunt was completed, we went to a friend’s church social distance family picnic and a drive thru trick or treat event at my sister’s church. This year, we participated in the least amount of Halloween events, but the kids were still happy with all the goodies they received.
They weren’t able to eat the goodies YET because this “sanitizing queen” hasn’t sanitized any of the goodies but I’m not in any rush to get my kids sugar high =).
Hopefully next year we can continue our traditions of going to pumpkin patches, hosting Halloween parties, and attending more trick or treat events. Hope everyone had safe and fun Halloween!
(The only picture I was able to get of my kids)